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Why is this project important?

Our project is in the context of gateway selection in wireless networks. We imagine a mesh of home users within a neighborhood, where users have different ISPs. To contact a particular destination, it may be in one user's best interest to not use their own connection (with their home ISP), but to route through another user's connection (using that user's ISP). Of course, this only makes sense if performance to different destinations varies per-ISP. That is the question which we are trying to answer with this project.

What exactly are you measuring?

We are measuring throughput and latency of Internet connections to different destinations, as well as the Internet paths to those destinations.

How do you get your measurements?

We have a collection of hosts from which we periodically download content (reasonably-sized files; not just index pages). We monitor the time these downloads take, and based on that time and the file size we can calculate the throughput to each destination. We can calculate latency in a similar manner, by making a small request to a host.

What type of data do you record?

We keep track of a few things:
  • Meta-data, which includes the machine's IP address and OS.
  • Throughput and latency characteristics, based on output from wget.

Do your machines download illegal content?

Absolutely not.

Am I eligible to participate?

Probably! If you live in an urban area, you are almost certainly qualified. Please see the
How to Help page for more information.

If I participate, will you give out my information?

Absolutely not.

If I participate, will it require a lot of effort on my part, or will my Internet connection suffer because of your measurements?

Participation requires minimal effort on your part, but please see the
How to Help page for information on what we need.

Our measurements will use some of your bandwidth, naturally, but we are not downloading huge files, so you probably won't notice. If our scripts are running on your personal machine, we will not use your disk space to store any of the downloaded files.