| Project
J.D. Zamfirescu
Cory Zue
Nathan Ackerman
| Inferring Stability of and Relationships between Autonomous Systems through Analysis of BGP route advertisements
Michael Zhivich
Suhabe Bugrara
Timur Tokmouline
| Incentives for Subverting End-to-End Congestion Control of TCP
Swastik Kopparty
Mythili Vutukuru
Paul Valiant
| Centralized Algorithm for Minimal iBGP Topologies
Ajay Deshpande
David Saylor
Tony Scelfo
| Understanding effects of Simultaneous Transmission on Packet Delivery Performance in a Multi-hop 802.11b
Alex Vandiver
Gary Planthaber
Carrick Detweiler
Eric Mumpower
| A Distributed Algorithm for Oracle Based Routing in DTNs
Dian Chen
Mike Ebersol
| Playing Dirty: A Cost-Benefit Analysis for Selfish TCP Clients