Fall 2005


Group Project
J.D. Zamfirescu
Cory Zue
Nathan Ackerman
Inferring Stability of and Relationships between Autonomous Systems through Analysis of BGP route advertisements
Michael Zhivich
Suhabe Bugrara
Timur Tokmouline
Incentives for Subverting End-to-End Congestion Control of TCP
Swastik Kopparty
Mythili Vutukuru
Paul Valiant
Centralized Algorithm for Minimal iBGP Topologies
Ajay Deshpande
David Saylor
Tony Scelfo
Understanding effects of Simultaneous Transmission on Packet Delivery Performance in a Multi-hop 802.11b
Alex Vandiver
Gary Planthaber
Carrick Detweiler
Eric Mumpower
A Distributed Algorithm for Oracle Based Routing in DTNs
Dian Chen
Mike Ebersol
Playing Dirty: A Cost-Benefit Analysis for Selfish TCP Clients



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