This document describes how to set up the client-side of DQE.
The basic idea of the system is this: every e-mail sender is given a quota of stamps. When a receiver's e-mail server receives e-mail, the server cancels the stamp by storing a record of the stamp in the enforcer. With this approach, a sender can use each stamp only once, which will prevent any given entity from sending more than a certain number of e-mails. If a sender reuses a stamp, the receiver will see that the enforcer already has a copy of the stamp.
A bit more detail: e-mail senders attach to each e-mail a stamp that consists of two pieces:
When an e-mail recipient gets an e-mail, the recipient looks at the stamp and checks that it has a certificate signed by a private key whose corresponding public key is trusted by the e-mail recipient. If the certificate is valid, then the e-mail recipient trusts the public key that the certificate is authorizing. Then, the e-mail recipient checks that the number in the stamp is between 1 and N. Then, the e-mail recipient creates a hash of the stamp and first checks that this hash has not appeared in the enforcer. If the hash has appeared, then the stamp is probably being reused, which could indicate that the e-mail is spam. If the hash has not appeared, the recipient stores the hash in the enforcer.
In the rest of this document, we describe how to set up e-mail servers so that the sending direction affixes stamps and the receiving direction checks and cancels stamps. We describe the following steps in turn:
Please Note: These instructions assume that separate servers are used for outgoing and incoming mail.
Setting up the outgoing mail server requires several steps, which we describe below. Briefly, we need to:
On the outgoing e-mail server, unpack the DQE tarball, e.g.:
> mv dqe.tar.gz /tmp/
> cd /tmp ; tar -zxvf dqe.tar.gz
> mv dqe /var/local/dqe
We'll call the DQE installation location $DQM_PATH. In the example
above, this location is /var/local/dqe.
Now you need to tell python where to find the DQE files. Set the environment variable $PYTHONPATH to $DQM_PATH (expand $DQM_PATH yourself; it's just a placeholder in this document).
Output a public key like this:
> cd $DQM_PATH/crypto ; ./gen_key -p -b dqm_identity
(This results in two files, dqm_identity and, being output.)
Now you need to get your public key authorized. For now, just create another key using gen_key, and then sign that key with the new private key by calling gen_cert.
Now you need to output a pool of stamps (a pool of stamps is just a list of integers, in a random permutation; the randomness is for privacy so recipients won't know how much e-mail a given sender sends). Output a pool of stamps like this:
> cd $DQM_PATH/stamp_pool
> ./gen_dbpool <quota> $DQM_PATH/res/disp.pool.1/pool_db
Edit a client-side config file as follows (when we write $DQM_PATH, we mean for the reader to do the expansion; the config file doesn't understand variables so you need to type out the full path):
Now test your set-up. Execute:
> cd $DQM_PATH/user ; ./ -w dqm.config
You should see a bunch of funny characters, the first of line of which
looks like this:
If that test worked, then your computer can print stamps. If not, then
please e-mail dqm-dev2 at the domain
PYTHONPATH = /var/local/dqe DQM_CONFIG = /var/local/dqe/dqm.config DB_GEN = /var/local/dqe/stamp_pool/gen_dbpool DB_GEN_WRAPPER = /var/local/dqe/scripts/ # put whatever quota you have been using here! QUOTA = 20000 # replace the supply of stamps each week. should be done just as # the ISO week begins, which is Monday after midnight. 5 0 * * mon /bin/bash $DB_GEN_WRAPPER $DQM_CONFIG $DB_GEN $QUOTA &> /dev/nullThe above lines will create a new stamp pool each week. If you created the stamp pool as $DQM_PATH/res/disp.pool.1/db_pool, then in the following weeks, the pool will be $DQM_PATH/res/disp.pool.2/db_pool, $DQM_PATH/res/disp.pool.3/db_pool, etc.
This step requires some additions to the file.
Backup the mail server's and files to retore the original setup in case the new setup does not work.
Modify your by appending the following lines:
LOCAL_CONFIG # add .PROCMAIL to the pseudo-domain list CP.PROCMAIL LOCAL_RULE_0 # match all mail going to pseudo-domain .procmail # and forward it using the esmtp mailer (you may need # to use smtp, depending on your configuration) R$+ < @ $+ .procmail . > $#esmtp $@ $2 $: $1<@$2> # match all other mail and send it to procmail script # stamp-adder, rewriting the destination by adding .procmail R$+ < @ $+ . > $#procmail $@/etc/procmailrcs/stamp-adder $:$1<@$2.procmail>The white space in the above lines in front of $#esmtp and $#procmail is tabs,
\t, ASCII character #9, etc. They must be tabs in order for your setup to work.
Please Note: The assumption that the outgoing mail server doesn't handle any incoming mail plays a key role in this step: if you plan on receiving mail on this server, you need to make sure that local mail does not get to these two lines (you must add a rule that delivers local mail before sendmail tries to smtp it back to itself), and then you must handle the special case of a local user sending mail to another local user, and decide whether to affix a stamp in that case.
(If you find a simpler way to handle incoming and outgoing mail on a single server, please let us know! (email dqm-dev2 at the domain
Recompile your file and restart sendmail.
Copy the script $DQM_PATH/scripts/stamp-adder to /etc/procmailrcs/stamp-adder, or whereever else is appropriate for your system, making sure to modify the path in your to match.
Make sure stamp-adder is readable by the mailer daemon. The mailer daemon (sendmail, in this case) usually runs as root. If you have a different configuration, make sure whichever user sendmail runs as has access to this file.
Make sure that in stamp-adder the variable $DQM_DIR is set to the location where DQE was installed (we have been calling this location $DQM_PATH in this document).
Depening on whether you prefer a setup that applies to all users of your incoming mail server or else a per-user setup, these instructions will differ. However, the general idea is the same.
The incoming mail server part of DQE has two components. The first is a
script,, that is invoked by a procmail rule. tests the stamps of incoming messages
and affixes a header, X-dqm-checked, to each message. The value of
this header depends on the results of the tests. Possible values of this
header are SUCCESS
, and several others.
are self-explanatory. The other
error codes
should be treated the same -- as indicating that the original e-mail
carried an invalid stamp.
After affixing the additional header, deposits
the stamp to be canceled in a queue on disk.
The second component is a backgrounded stamp canceller that reads this on-disk queue and cancels the stamps in it soon after they are deposited. This cancellation occurs as the backgrounded stamp canceller communicates with the enforcer. The reason for this separation is to decrease the amount of time procmail needs to spend per message, e.g., to decrease the complexity of the incoming-mail message path.
Please Note: If you are deploying on a per-user basis and your
users are clueful, the simplest deployment strategy is to have your users
run the script.
The script is a bash shell script, so invoke it like this:
> cd $DQM_PATH/scripts ; bash
In general, however, this process consists of adding the following lines to your procmailrc, whether it is your site-wide procmailrc (found by default at /etc/procmailrc) or your user-specific procmailrcs (found by default at $HOME/.procmailrc):
:0 c: $HOME/DQM-MAIL-COPY # name of dummy user DQM_DUMMY = dqm-dummy DQM_DUMMY_ID = /var/local/dqe/${DQM_DUMMY}_id_rsa # location on host.with.scripts of DQM installation DQM_HOME = /var/local/dqe PYTHONPATH = $DQM_HOME # where the DQM magic happens DQM_RESOURCES_DIR = $DQM_HOME DQM_SCRIPTS_DIR = $DQM_HOME/scripts DQM_CONFIG = $DQM_RESOURCES_DIR/dqm.config STAMP_VERIFIER = $DQM_SCRIPTS_DIR/ DQM_LOG = /tmp/dqm.log :0 fhw: | /usr/bin/ssh $DQM_DUMMY@host.with.scripts -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -i $DQM_DUMMY_ID "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH ; $STAMP_VERIFIER $DQM_CONFIG $DQM_LOG"This seems complex, but we have tried to make it as general as possible, assuming that the verification script lives on a machine distinct from the incoming mail server.
Make sure the above procmail code reflects your site configuration. In particular, you may not need the DQM_DUMMY_ID variable if is running on the same host as the one that is receiving the e-mail.
When you have completed these steps, send yourself e-mail and see whether the e-mail has the header X-dqm-checked.
PYTHONPATH = /var/local/dqe DQM_CONFIG = /var/local/dqe/dqm.config CHECK_CANCELLER = /var/local/dqe/sh-scripts/ CANCELLER = /var/local/dqe/user/ CANCELLER_LOG = /tmp/canceller.log # keep the stamp-canceller going. */1 * * * * bash $CHECK_CANCELLER $DQM_CONFIG $CANCELLER $CANCELLER_LOGYou need to tell the enforcer client where to queue stamps up for cancellation. In the file $DQM_PATH/res/dqm.config, set the value for set_queue to $DQM_PATH/res/set.queue/queue_db (of course, don't write $DQM_PATH; rather, expand the path yourself).
If that worked, you're done! Please mail dqe at the domain to let us know that you're using DQE. If that didn't work, please send us mail in that case too so we can help debug.