SRM / Intro to security SRM: - Reliable delivery of messages in multicast is difficult - If a message is lost, does everyone ask for it? - If sender is responsible, it'd have to track everyone - What about retransmit timers? - Ordering is difficult to define (lack of naming) - And how can you possibly make this scale to many senders/receivers? - Solution: Use ALF to name data, leave func. and flex. up to the app. - SRM is unicast, guarantees eventual delivery of the data in arb. order - Motivating app: wb, network conferencing white board - Each individual is responsible for detecting loss - By seq no gaps - and by periodically broadcasting highest seq no - Requests for repairs: - Broadcast to the whole multicast group - Wait a random time determined by distance to the sender - Any host with a copy can answer the request, sets timer based on distance to the requesting host - Nodes cancel timeouts when they hear others' messages - Repair timer: (C1 + C2r)d - r is rand b/w 0 and 1 - d is one-way distance to sender - exp. backoff if you hear someone else's request for repair - C1 and C2 depend on topology - Chain topology: distance-based response matters - the furthest node receives the repair sooner than it would have otherwise - small chain example? - Star topology: randomization matters (probabilistic suppression) - Above algorithms are ok if you're willing to have a small number of duplicate messages, see paper for optimizations (Cribbed from Feamster's 02 security notes and Dina's security slides, Wikipedia:DoS, Security: - Focus on *network* security, as opposed to *host* security (buffer overflows, etc) - Attacks: - Denial of Service (DoS and DDoS) - Spam - Worms/viruses (virii?) - Code Red, Code Red II, Nimda, Witty - Targets: - Hosts (web servers, home workstations, you) - Online gambling - Anyone who can pay some amount of money - Links - Routers - DNS - DoS attacks - Use one machine to take out another machine - Usually relies on a software/hardware weakness; not brute force - The Ping of Death (nuke attack): send malformed ICMP pkt to crash machine - Fork bomb - Ping flood (T1 > dialup) - Controlling hosts: - It's feasible to control armies of O(million) hosts - These can become bot nets, for rent or personal use - Use for DDoS, Spam, Web servers for illegal content, etc - Software vulnerabilities, malware, etc - Leads to a "CyberMafia" of sorts - DDoS attacks: - Send lots of traffic to flood a bottleneck link - ICMP echo attack: - Masters tells slaves to mount attack - Slaves spoof IMCP echo request from target (smurf amplification networks) - Target gets lots of ICMP echo replies - Just simple junk traffic from all over the Internet - Resource attacks create state and use resources on target systems - TCP SYN floods, just send one packet to make server devote resources - TCP ACK flood - SSL handshakes attacks (force server to do cryptographic operations) - Web service attacks - Very difficult to tell diff. b/w DDoS and legitimate flash crowd (Slashdot effect) - Lots of known tools - Trinoo, TFN, Stacheldraht - Defenses (if there's time) - Simple IP address change - Traffic filtering for unsophisticated attacks - SYN cookies - Force the attackers to do work - solve puzzles - send more traffic - Turing test - solve captchas - Needs to work without devoting resources at server - Explicit in-network capabilities